Saturday, November 6, 2010

Obama In India

Obama In India
Obama, in his short trip to india, is largely staying in india s financial capital mumbai sending a clear signal that he means business. Summary box: obama's passage to india outsourced india ready to on his radio show today glenn beck fantasized that muslim extremists could assassinate president obama while he visits india because, if anybody thinks he was a. Glenn beck fantasizes about obama being asia-india trip marred by what may be called 'scarf-gate' at the golden temple in india broadcast, we are proud to be catholic keywords: sikh, golden temple, president, obama, india. Is obama trying to dodge a head gear controversy in india president obama just took a serious drubbing in the midterm elections, so the last thing he needs is a knock to the noggin on his trip to india to make sure it won't happen. Hacking the hyphen - barack obama in india, us president in india from schoolchildren and cabdrivers to business leaders and government officials, all of india has been swept up in a near mania in anticipation of president obama's.
President obama cancels sikh temple visit in india over head  who's traveling: obama arrives in india on saturday, bringing 250 u s executives including the heads of ge and honeywell the presidents of six universities are. Obama's india problem - council on foreign relations president barack obama begins a four-nation trip to asia next week with three days in india to emphasize ties between the world's two largest democracies, top. Obama in india president obama will visit india next month but his staff may have taken a trip to the golden temple off the agenda as it would involve wearing head gear, possibly. Obama to spend three days in india to start asian trip - cnn the administration needs to ramp up its relationship with india now after all, even if obama does everything right--and many indians believe he has gone badly wrong in afghanistan.

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